Problems to be Addressed - Desperate Venezuelans are Emigrating to Colombia as Country near Collapse - Hope For Venezuelan Refugees

Problems to be Addressed - Desperate Venezuelans are Emigrating to Colombia as Country near Collapse

The Border Colombia-Venezuela

Colombia shares a 1,400-mile border with Venezuela. One border town, in particular, CĂșcuta, a Colombian city bordering San Antonio del TĂĄchira in Venezuela, has become the focal point for the Venezuelan migration and has borne the burden. This border is one of the most active crossings between the two countries, and over the past year, it has become increasingly transited by Venezuelans. 

Official figures estimate that about 35,000 Venezuelans cross the border on a daily basis, but unofficial estimates from observers on the ground estimate that number to be much higher, with up to one million Venezuelans in Colombia. It is also estimated that somewhere between 3,000 and 5,000 people crossing stay in Colombia or travel to another country in the region. The rest are crossing for a few hours or a few days to work and/or get food and medicines not readily available in Venezuela. [1] However, only 819,034 [2 ]are registered with an official census.


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