Good Bye Venezuela...The tragic story of the Venezuelan walkers - Hope For Venezuelan Refugees

Good Bye Venezuela...The tragic story of the Venezuelan walkers

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This video reflects the sad but true reality of our Venezuelan brothers and sisters fleeing Venezuela's worst economic crisis. They are struggling to survive in a country with escalating criminal and political violence, and with the world’s highest hyperinflation rate expected to skyrocket to 1 million % by the end of 2018 according to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) as the government continues to print money to cover a growing budget hole.

Venezuelans’ livelihoods have been degraded to such an extent, that the very poor have no means to cope as everything is failing. They have lost everything, jobs, healthcare, their family, and many have lost their home. It is almost impossible to find the needed medicine and basic food items. People are searching in trash cans for food. Consequently, children are suffering from malnutrition, treatable diseases are starting to spread, and patients are dying in contaminated hospitals. The average Venezuelan lost 24 pounds last year and only eats one meal a day. 

During my trip to Cucuta, I was blessed to meet many 'angels' helping our Venezuelan people. Their determination and compassion for the Venezuelan refugees are commendable. Their spirit of sacrifice and passion for helping contagious. May God bless the Colombian people for opening their doors and generous arms to my Venezuelan people who are fleeing from hunger, lack of clean water, lack of electricity, lack of medicine, lack of jobs, and lack of freedom and respect to human dignity. 

The Latin American countries opening the doors to immigrants are struggling and don't have the capacity to respond to the emergency caused by this exodus. We need to create collision integrated with members of the international community, NGO's, governments, corporations, and volunteers to work together to help to alleviate the humanitarian crisis and the needs of the Venezuelan immigrants immediately!! 
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