Banco Diocesano de Alimentos en Cúcuta hosted Hope for Venezuelan Refugees stakeholders meeting - Hope For Venezuelan Refugees

Banco Diocesano de Alimentos en Cúcuta hosted Hope for Venezuelan Refugees stakeholders meeting

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Stakeholders Meeting in Cúcuta - The Banco Diocesano de Alimentos hosted the meeting to assess the characteristics and needs of this humanitarian crisis in Cúcuta and present the Hope for Venezuelan Refugees Pilot Project.

Stakeholders Meeting Hosted by Banco Diocesano de Alimentos en Cúcuta

The proposed pilot project was presented by Rotarian Cristal Montañez. She explained how the project aims to improve the stage of malnutrition and health of the Venezuelan refugees in Cúcuta through the provision of Rice Against Hunger (RAH) rice-soy fortified meal to the existing centers of aid distribution preparing and serving food to this target population. Our project helps to promote peace “When people no longer need to fight over food, peace will reign[1]

Hope For Venezuelan Refugees meeting with Partner Organizations hosted by Banco Diocesano de Alimentos

Representatives of the following organizations attended this important meeting Fundación Servidoras Madres para los Abandonados en las Calles, Comedor Papa Francisco, Comedor Selva de Rosas, Comedor Misioneros de la Nueva Vida, Comedor Santo Domingo Savio, Centro de Migraciones, Banco Diocesano de Alimentos, Rotary Cúcuta, Rotary e-Club Houston, and World Food Program (WFP) of the United Nations (UN). Representatives from Casa Paso Divina Providence and Comedor Sagrada Familia could not attend the meeting. However, our team visited these projects and conducted the meetings accordingly.

Click to view pictures Banco Diocesano de Alimentos en Cúcuta

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