Sharing teddy bears to Venezuelan children affected by the humanitarian crisis - Hope For Venezuelan Refugees

Sharing teddy bears to Venezuelan children affected by the humanitarian crisis

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One of the highlights of the visit to Comedor Papa Francisco in CĂșcuta was meeting with a group of Venezuelan children and seeing the sparkles in their eyes when presented with a teddy bear. The value of giving teddy bears to traumatized children stretches beyond merely providing them with something to hold. These furry ambassadors brought hope, joy and a smile to the face of these children contributing to help lessen the psychological trauma caused by this current Venezuelan humanitarian crisis.

The program Bear Hugs in association with the unconditional support of Good Bears of the World (GBW) and other international organizations, and volunteers has distributed more than 70,000 teddy bears to children during humanitarian crisis and emergencies relief efforts in Pakistan, Jamaica, Ghana, Venezuela, Colombia and the USA, including refugees from Burma, Colombia, Cuba, Nepal Bhutan, and Congo in Houston.

#HopeForVenezuelanRefugees #EsperanzaParaRefugiadosVenezolanos #RotaryeClubHouston #Colombia #RefugeeCrisis #VenezuelaRefugees #CrisisHumanitaria #CĂșcuta #Venezuela #AyudaHumanitaria #RotaryClubCĂșcuta7288 #Venezuela #SOSVenezuela #ComedorPapaFrancisco #BancoDiocesanoDeAlimentos #DiocesisCĂșcuta #globalcitizen #activist #citizendiplomat #Houston #humanitarian #WomenOfWorth #isismejias #cristalmontanez #cristalmontañez #BearHugsForVenezuela #BearHugs #GoodBearsOfTheWorld #GBW

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