Father Francesco Bortignon from the Scalabrini Corposcal Corporation coordinates the Centro de Migraciones that hosts 150-160 Venezuelan refugees for a short period of time. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner are served every day to this population.
The Centro has two large rooms, one for men and one for women, each room has bathrooms and showers and seven single rooms with private bathroom, in these spaces are hosted by family groups and community spaces such as the yard for washing clothes and the room facilitate the stay of residents.
Permanent efforts are coordinated with local and international institutions to provide immediate assistance to residents, for this purpose inter-administrative agreements are established that allow advice on legal issues, health, safety, etc. The Centro de Migraciones offers a process of spiritual assistance through the Scalabrinian priests who carry out eucharistic celebrations twice a week in the chapel of the center, thus reinforcing in those affected the trust in Jesus Christ through the Scalabrinian precepts. Additionally, the Centro of Migraciones distributes food kits to vulnerable families that have a place to live and kitchen facility to cook.
The Centro de Migraciones in Cúcuta is part of the Scalabrini International Migration Network (SIMN), an organization that works with more than 80 migrant homes around the world and coordinates joint actions for registration, monitoring and migration studies.
The Centro de Migraciones in Cúcuta is part of the Scalabrini International Migration Network (SIMN), an organization that works with more than 80 migrant homes around the world and coordinates joint actions for registration, monitoring and migration studies.
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